56 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Daphnia lumholtzi in the Mobile River Drainage, USA: Invasion of a Habitat That Experiences SalinityDe Vries, Dennis R⋅Wright, Russell A and DeVries, TSJournal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 527-530, 2006.
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Daphnia lumholtziin the Mobile River Drainage, USA: Invasion of a Habitat That Experiences SalinityDe Vries, Dennis R⋅DeVries, Dennis R⋅Wright, Russell A⋅Wright, Russell A⋅DeVries, Tammy S and DeVries, Tammy SJournal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 530, 2006-09-00.
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First-year growth and recruitment of coastal largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): spatial patterns unresolved by critical periods along a salinity gradientPeer, AC⋅De Vries, Dennis R and Wright, Russell ACanadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences/Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques, vol. 63, (no. 9), pp. 1911-1924, 2006.
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The Effects of Age-0 Body Size on the Predictive Ability of a Largemouth Bass Bioenergetics ModelSlaughter, Joe E⋅Wright, Russell A and De Vries, Dennis RTransactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 133, (no. 2), pp. 279-291, 2004.
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2002 Alabama freshwater anglers surveyWright, Russell A⋅De Vries, Dennis R⋅Cook, S. and Nichols, N.Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, (no. 57), pp. 68-79, 2003.
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Evaluating the Potential for Predatory Control of Gizzard Shad by Largemouth Bass in Small Impoundments: A Bioenergetics ApproachIrwin, Brian⋅De Vries, Dennis R and Wright, Russell ATransactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 132, (no. 5), pp. 913-924, 2003.
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Individual Growth and Foraging Responses of age-0 Largemouth Bass to Mixed Prey Assemblages during WinterMicucci, SM⋅Garvey, James E⋅Wright, Russell A and Stein, Roy AEnvironmental biology of fishes, vol. 67, (no. 2), pp. 157-168, 2003.
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Bythotrephes cederstroemi in Ohio Reservoirs: Evidence from Fish DietsFerry, KH and Wright, Russell AOhio Journal of Science, vol. 102, (no. 5), pp. 116-118, 2002.
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Bythotrephes cederstroemi in Ohio Reservoirs: Evidence from Fish Diets 1Ferry, Kristen and Wright, RussellThe Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 102, (no. 5), pp. 118, 20021201.
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Exploring Ecological Mechanisms Underlying Largemouth Bass Recruitment along Environmental GradientsGarvey, James E⋅Philipp, DP⋅Stein, RA⋅Ridgway, M. S⋅Wright, Russell A and Bremigan, Mary TAmerican Fisheries Society Symposium, vol. 31, pp. 7-23, 2002.
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Evaluating How Local- and Regional-Scale Processes Interact to Regulate Growth of Age-0 Largemouth BassGarvey, James E⋅Wright, Russell A⋅Stein, Roy A and Ferry, KHTransactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 129, (no. 4), pp. 1044-1059, 2000.
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Overwinter Growth and Survival of Largemouth Bass: Interactions among Size, Food, Origin, and Winter SeverityFullerton, AH⋅Garvey, James E⋅Wright, Russell A and Stein, Roy ATransactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 129, (no. 1), pp. 1-12, 2000.
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DensityWright, RussellScience Scope, vol. 23, (no. 2), pp. 44, Oct 1999.
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Predicting How Winter Affects Energetics of Age-0 Largemouth Bass: How Do Current Models Fare?Wright, Russell A⋅Wright, R.A.⋅Garvey, J.E.⋅Garvey, JE⋅Fullerton, AH⋅Fullerton, A.H.⋅Stein, RA and Stein, R.A.Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 128, (no. 4), pp. 603-612, 1999.
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Stock Characteristics and Habitat Use of Catfishes in Regulated Sections of 4 Alabama RiversEversole, AG⋅Grussing, M. D⋅De Vries, Dennis R⋅Wong, KC⋅Wright, Russell A⋅Doerr, P.⋅Woodward, D.⋅Mazik, P. and Lequire, R.pp. 15-34, 1999.
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Overwinter growth and survival of age-0 largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): revisiting the role of body sizeGarvey, James E⋅Wright, Russell A and Stein, Roy ACanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 55, (no. 11), pp. 2414-2424, 1998.
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Roles of fish predation: Piscivory and planktivoryCarpenter, S. R⋅He, X.⋅Kitchell, James F⋅Hodgson, James R⋅Wright, Russell A⋅Soranno, Patricia A⋅Lodge, David M⋅Cochran, PA⋅Benkowski, DA and Bouwes, Nicolaaspp. 85-102, 1996.
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Selective predation by blue crabs on the gastropod, Bittium varium: Confirmation from opercula found in the sedimentsWright, Russell A⋅Crowder, LB and Martin, Thomas HEstuaries, vol. 19, (no. 1), pp. 75-81, 1996.
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Direct and indirect effects of southern flounder predation on a spot population: Experimental and model analysesCrowder, LB⋅Stouder, DJ⋅Fresh, KL⋅Wright, Russell A⋅Rose, KA⋅Feller, R. J⋅Martin, Thomas H and Rice, James A1994.
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Growth and diet composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) from four experimental lakesHe, Xi⋅Hodgson, James R⋅Kitchell, James F and Wright, Russell AInternationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 2097, 10/1/1994.
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Growth and diet composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) from four experimental lakesHe, Xi⋅Sladeckova, A.⋅Hodgson, R.⋅Kitchell, James F and Wright, Russell AVerhandlungen. Internationale Vereinigung fur theoretische und angewandte Limnologie/Proceedings. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology/Travaux. Association internationale de Limnologie theorique et appliquee. Stuttgart, vol. 25, (no. 4), 1994.
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