71 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Wattles Used for Erosion and Sediment Control
Whitman, J.B.Schussler, J.C.Perez, M.A. and Liu, L.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 147. | Journal Article
Practical Silt Fence Design Enhancements for Effective Dewatering and Stability
Whitman, J.B.Perez, M.A.Zech, W.C. and Donald, W.N.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 147. | Journal Article
SILTspread: Performance-Based Approach for the Design and Installation of Silt Fence Sediment Barriers
Liu, L.Perez, M.A.Whitman, J.B.Donald, W.N. and Zech, W.C.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 147. | Journal Article
Slope stability of streambanks at saturated riparian buffer sites
Dickey, L.C.McEachran, A.R.Rutherford, C.J.Rehmann, C.R.Perez, M.A.Groh, T.A. and Isenhart, T.M.
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 50, pp. 1430-1439. | Journal Article
State-of-the-practice review on the use of flocculants for construction stormwater management in the united states
Kazaz, B.Perez, M.A. and Donald, W.N.
(pp. 248-258)
Types of Stereotype Threats that Latinx Students Experience in Undergraduate Engineering Education (Research)
Turochy, E.Perez, M.A.Poleacovschi, C. and Doran, E.
Using AHP and Spatial Analysis to Determine Water Surface Storage Suitability in Cambodia
Water. | Journal Article
Aerial stomwater inspection
Kazaz, B. and Perez, M.A.
A spatial approach to determining water harvesting sites in Cambodia
Ward, M.Poleacovschi, C. and Perez, M.A.
(pp. 572-580)
Evaluation of Lamella Settlers for Treating Suspended Sediment
Water. | Journal Article
Evaluation of scaled lamella settlers for treating suspended sediment
Liu, L. and Perez, M.A.
How to use a rainfall simulator to calculate erosion control performance.
Faulkner, B.A.Donald, W.N.Zech, W.C.Perez, M. and Fang, X.
Improving the design of saturated buffers for nitrate removal
McEachran, A.Dickey, L.Rehmann, C.Perez, M.Rutherford, C. and Groh, T.
Improving the effectiveness of saturated riparian buffers for removing nitrate from subsurface drainage
McEachran, A.R.Dickey, L.C.Rehmann, C.R.Groh, T.A.Isenhart, T.M.Perez, M.A. and Rutherford, C.J.
Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 49, pp. 1624-1632. | Journal Article
Innovation through Embracing Uncertainty
Humphreys, B.Kilgore, R.Perez, M. and Donald, W.
(pp. 36-37)
Performance evaluation of wood chip wattles & silt fence ditch checks through field monitoring
Schussler, J.Perez, M.A.Cetin, B. and Whitman, B.
Performance Monitoring of Temporary Sediment Control Basins
Schussler, J.Perez, M.A.Cetin, B. and Whitman, B.
(pp. 778-787)
Slope Stability Analysis of a Saturated Riparian Buffer: A Case Study
Dickey, L.C.McEachran, A.R.Rutherford, C.Perez, M.A.Rehmann, C.R.Isenhart, T.Jaynes, D. and Groh, T.
(pp. 267-274)
Design and Construction of Full-Scale Testing Apparatus for Evaluating Performance of Catch Basin Inserts
Basham, D.L.Zech, W.C.Donald, W.N. and Perez, M.A.
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, vol. 5. | Journal Article
Design of a Pressurized Rainfall Simulator for Evaluating Performance of Erosion Control Practices
Ricks, Matthew DRicks, Matthew DHorne, Matthew AHorne, Matthew AFaulkner, BrianFaulkner, BrianZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CFang, XingFang, XingDonald, Wesley NDonald, Wesley NPerez, Michael A and Perez, Michael A
Water. | Journal Article
Development of an electrocoagulated lamella settler system
Liu, L. and Perez, M.A.
IECA Annual Conference and Expo 2019. | Conference Proceeding
Erosion & sediment control improvements through field evaluations
Schussler, J.Perez, M.A. and Cetin, B.
IECA Annual Conference and Expo 2019. | Conference Proceeding
Large-Scale Performance Testing of Temporary Sediment Basin Treatments and High-Rate Lamella Settlers
Perez, Michael APerez, MichaelPerez, Michael AZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CZech, WesleyVasconcelos, Jose GVasconcelos, JoseVasconcelos, Jose GFang, XingFang, Xing and Fang, Xing
Water. | Journal Article
Saturated buffers: Treating agricultural subsurface drainage
Dickey, L.McEachran, A.Rutherford, C.Perez, M.A.Rehmann, C.Isenhart, T. and Jaynes, D.
IECA Annual Conference and Expo 2019. | Conference Proceeding
Transferring Innovative Erosion and Sediment Control Research Results into Industry Practice
Perez, Michael APerez, Michael APerez, Michael AZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CZech, Wesley CDonald, Wesley NDonald, Wesley NDonald, Wesley NTurochy, RodTurochy, RodTurochy, RodFagan, Barry GFagan, Barry G and Fagan, Barry G
Water. | Journal Article