44 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Cattle avoidance of leafy spurge: a case of conditioned aversion.
Kronberg, S.L.Muntifering, Russell BAyers, E.L. and Marlow, C.B.
Journal of range management., vol. 46, (no. 4), pp. 364-366, 1993. | Journal Article
Feed aversion learning in cattle with delayed negative consequences.
Kronberg, S.L.Muntifering, Russell B and Ayers, E.L.
Journal of animal science., vol. 71, (no. 7), pp. 1767-1770, 1993. | Journal Article
Voluntary intake and ingestive behavior of steers grazing Johnstone or endophyte-infected Kentucky-31 tall fescue.
Howard, M DMuntifering, Russell BBradley, N WMitchell, G E and Lowry, S R
Journal of animal science, vol. 70, (no. 4), pp. 1227-37, 1992/Apr. | Journal Article
Forage composition and intake by steers grazing vegetative regrowth in low endophyte tall fescue pasture.
Hitchcock, R AMuntifering, Russell BBradley, N WWahab, A A and Dougherty, Charles T
Journal of animal science, vol. 68, (no. 9), pp. 2848-51, 1990/Sep. | Journal Article
Digestibility, protein content, and nutrient yields of alfalfa stressed by selected early season insect pests and diseases.
Godfrey, LDYeargan, KV and Muntifering, Russell B
Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 80, (no. 1), pp. 257-262, 1987. | Journal Article
Effect of feeding frequency on forage fiber and nitrogen utilization in sheep.
Bunting, L DHoward, M DMuntifering, Russell BDawson, K A and Boling, J A
Journal of animal science, vol. 64, (no. 4), pp. 1170-7, 1987/Apr. | Journal Article
GRAZE: a model of selective grazing by beef animals.
Loewer, O.J.Taul, K.L.Turner, L.W.Gay, N. and Muntifering, Russell B
Agricultural systems., vol. 25, (no. 4), pp. 297-309, 1987. | Journal Article
Effects of diet concentrate level and sodium bicarbonate on site and extent of forage fiber digestion in the gastrointestinal tract of wethers.
Wedekind, K JMuntifering, Russell B and Barker, K B
Journal of animal science, vol. 62, (no. 5), pp. 1388-95, 1986/May. | Journal Article
Effect of forage: concentrate on kinetics of forage fiber digestion in vivo.
Miller, B G and Muntifering, Russell B
Journal of dairy science, vol. 68, (no. 1), pp. 40-4, 1985/Jan. | Journal Article
Effects of Processing on the Supplemental Protein Value of Distillers Byproducts in Forage Diets
Muntifering, RussellWedekind, KarenKnifley, Teresa and Ely, Donald
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 61, (no. 3), pp. 653, 19850901. | Journal Article
Effect of Elemental Sulfur Supplementation on Digestibility and Metabolism of Early Vegetative and Fall-Accumulated Regrowth Fescue Hay by Wethers
Muntifering, RussellSmith, Steven and Boling, James
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 59, (no. 4), pp. 1105, 19841001. | Journal Article
Digestibility and Metabolism of Mature Tall Fescue Hay Reconstituted and Ensiled with Whole Stillage
Muntifering, RussellBurch, TheresaMiller, Bryan and Ely, Donald
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 57, (no. 5), pp. 1293, 19831101. | Journal Article
Evaluation of Various Lignin Assays for Determining Ruminal Digestion of Roughages by Lambs
Muntifering, Russell
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 438, 19820801. | Journal Article
Effects of Monensin on site and Extent of Whole Corn Digestion and Bacterial Protein Synthesis in Beef Steers
Muntifering, RussellTheurer, Brent and Noon, T.
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 1565, 19811201. | Journal Article
Effects of Monensin on site and Extent of Whole Corn Digestion and Bacterial Protein Synthesis in Beef Steers2
Muntifering, Russell BTheurer, Brent and Noon, T. H
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 53, (no. 6), pp. 1573, 1981-12-01. | Journal Article
Effect of Monensin on Nitrogen Utilization and Digestibility of Concentrate Diet by Steers
Muntifering, RussellTheurer, BrentSwingle, R. and Hale, W.
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 50, (no. 5), pp. 930, 19800501. | Journal Article
Effect of Monensin on Nitrogen Utilization and Digestibility of Concentrate Diet by Steers2
Muntifering, Russell BTheurer, BrentSwingle, R. S and Hale, W. H
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 50, (no. 5), pp. 936, 1980-05-01. | Journal Article
Muntifering, Russell B (1980).
Corn and Milo as Grain Sources with Various Levels of Alfalfa Hay
Hale, W.Theurer, C.Prouty, FrankMuntifering, RussellDryden, F and Felix, S
1979-09. | Journal Article